Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Anyon and Oakes

First i would like to say... Thankyou to all my classmates and Dr. Bogad becuase i was really amazed and disappointed in myself that i did not take this paper that was handed out in class as an insult. Im not going to lie i felt as though the paper that was handed out was a better way for students to really understand and grasp the concept of the material. Even attending Times 2 i thought this way was a better why in helping students because in my science class we did alot of didos but in my english class it was totally different always essays, group discussion, and short essays. experiencing this made me realize how different lower class people are treated with all aspect in life. From work to education, to staus in life. After reading both of these articles i was just shocked. I can not believe that society does this. I strongly believe that no matter what class status, disability, color of your skin, where you live everyone SHOULD RECEIVE THE SAME EDUCATION. The reason why i state this is because no matter what you do education is essential to life. If society goes about teaching kids based upon everything except their age then we teach the kids to grow up with an easy life. For example Anyon states that the executive elite schools is called that because their fathers were top executives. now when i read this i sat and thought to myself. Does that make sense? The answer i came up with was NO. Because if fathers of them students get the best treatment then what happens to the other students NOTHING and once again that is another generation that grows up in the idea of higher class is the best. Doing this workheet and didos only allow the students to retain the information and tell the teacher what he or she wants to hear. Throughout the 2 articles the main point that i received from this was that THERE IS NO INFORMATION THAT IS BEING TAUGHT. THE ONLY THING HERE IS RECALL/SEARCHING.

I am upset because many Providence Public schools are the ones who suffer the most and in my eyes it is truely unfair regardless if their parents can not do not have alot of money. Executives fathers should donate money to public schools to help educate the less fortunate students.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Chela. I hope you can move past feeling upset with yourself and take this lesson to your future classroom -- don't ever give your students low level fill-in-the-blank worksheets. :)
