Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Johnson What Can We Do

Johnson argues that "removing what silences them and stands in their way can tap an enormous potential of energy for change." In my opinion and actually the meaning behind this arguement is that the poeple who feel "non existent" in the world need to become more "EXISTENT" because their voice will make a difference and will allow them to have the same privelege as people who are existent such as the white women and men.
One qoute that i found extremely powerful throughtout this article was:
"Difference takes many forms, but the most important are those characteristics that are difficult or impossibleto change and that other people think they can identify just by looking at someone."
The reason why i chose this qoute was because people identify with other people based upon the color of their skin and not by their personality. This is very upsetting because that means people of color only receive the same view point of those of color and the same idea of white people. The idea should be that people should interact with other people so they can recieve a diferrent point of view. change comes with the fact that people are willing to go out and recieve other peoples opinion and respect it. With that change people will not only identify with people by just looking at them. Example when ever me and my two white friends walk into the cafeteria at school people look at us becuase we will sit on the "miniority side" but yet they are not people of color. Im not going to lie i tend to this as well because i sit with the people that i identify with and i do not try to go and socialize with people who do not look like me. But that is a change that i am willing to make.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're planning on making a change. I'll have to do the same but for me it's more difficult becuase i'm not fluent in english and that pulls me back from socializing with others.
