Monday, February 23, 2009


When i read this article i was a little confused by it becuase it seems like he was going all over the place so as far as the authors arguement i honestly do not understand what he specifically is trying to convey to his audience.
1. "some indivisuals.......absent normal" pg 233 i really agree with this quote becuase there is so much "WHITE PRIVILEGE" that is going around that it is ridiculous. Like for interviews many people are denied a position based upon the color of their skin while others are hired becuase they are "WHITE"
2. " One-third....... likewise high" this quote surprised me becuase i really did not know that so many "gay" people committed suicide becuase they was not accepted by society...
3."being gay is......loss respect" i do not agree with this becuase i believe that no matter what a person is, the sexuality should not make or break a person or yet allow them to lose their self respect...
i honestly believe that no matter what sexuality a persob is, they should be treated and should have the same rights as people who are "straight" because everyone is created equal

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

white privilege

white privilege was interesting to me because she compares to Tim Wise because she discusses what it is like to be a white person born with rights. Not because you earn the right but because you came into the world as "a white person" makes you special. That is not fair to other people who are not white because they work so hard to get what they want but it is easier for a white person to get it.